Tasks + Projects for Teams - Lyria

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LYRIA enables teams to organize projects and tasks.

LYRIA enables teams to organize projects and tasks. Its beautifully designed, simple and fast. MANAGE PROJECTS & TASKSEasily create projects and tasks and access them from everywhere. Collaborate with your colleagues, friends or family. LYRIA makes teamwork easy and effective.NOTIFICATIONSGet notified when important changes happen via emails or push notifications. ATTACHMENTSAttach files to any task. Feel free to attach photos or documents of any kind.COMMENTSDiscuss and comment on the tasks. TASK PRIORITIESFocus on whats important using LYRIAs color-coded priority levels.WIDGETSManage your tasks from your homescreen. You are free to create as many widgets as you want. WORKSPACESLYRIA is suited even for bigger teams. Lyria enables you to add workspaces and manage your projects.DATA BACKUPLYRIA provides a backup service, so you will never loose your data. BEAUTIFUL DESIGNLYRIA prodives a distraction-free design. You are even free to customize your theme, change the background colors and make it your own.WHY REGISTER FOR LYRIA?The registration enables you to collaborate with other people, backup your data, write comments and synchronize your data between all your devices (like phone, tablet and pc). We guarantee that your e-mail address is being kept secret and we sell no data to other people or companies. Please also read our terms of use. :)Website with additional information:www.lyria-app.comNotifications and Reminders fixed 📋☑️

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Very good


Saya terbantu dengan aplikasi ini. Mudah digunakan, pembagian tugas dan laporan proses kerja antar teknisi lebih terkontrol

albertus ndaru

Adorable but difficult tk navigate

Chelsea Jahn


Vaishali Srivastava

It's super easy and very helpful at keeping tasks available right on your phone as opposed to a list that we have to keep going back to the office to check off or remember what was on it.

Cynthia Preast

I only get reminder notifications when the application is open and on screen which makes it useless to me.

John Dossett

There is no doubt that this app is awesome interms of handling organised list. But it really giving trouble when handling reminders. No proper reminder notifications & not use friendly. Need improvements.

Muthu Selvam Muniyandi

Awesome ,it helps me keep track of things

shwetank johri

Great app,only problem I ever had is that some times an entry may log 2 times, so per example if you add "eggs" it may appear 2 times in the list.Also there is an other bug wich will close the app wheb trying to schedule time and date for a task ! Pls fix!

Aris Marcati

Very good app. Please include notification sound when new task is assigned

sreejith bhasi