Very good
Saya terbantu dengan aplikasi ini. Mudah digunakan, pembagian tugas dan laporan proses kerja antar teknisi lebih terkontrol
Adorable but difficult tk navigate
It's super easy and very helpful at keeping tasks available right on your phone as opposed to a list that we have to keep going back to the office to check off or remember what was on it.
I only get reminder notifications when the application is open and on screen which makes it useless to me.
There is no doubt that this app is awesome interms of handling organised list. But it really giving trouble when handling reminders. No proper reminder notifications & not use friendly. Need improvements.
Awesome ,it helps me keep track of things
Great app,only problem I ever had is that some times an entry may log 2 times, so per example if you add "eggs" it may appear 2 times in the list.Also there is an other bug wich will close the app wheb trying to schedule time and date for a task ! Pls fix!
Very good app. Please include notification sound when new task is assigned